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Home News Two New Additions Soon in List of Paddy Varieties Cultivated in Bihar

Two New Additions Soon in List of Paddy Varieties Cultivated in Bihar

By Avijit Biswas

Bhagalpur: In the list of paddy varieties cultivated in state there could be two new additions in next season. The new varieties namely Sabour Moti and Sabour Sona developed by Bihar Agricultural University (BAU), Sabour are likely to be released for cultivation in near future.

In fact, decks have been cleared for introduction of the new varieties with recommendation of BAU research council for release of the varieties. On concluding day of the two- day 25th research council meeting on Thursday, the council recommended for release of the new varieties.

Of the two newly developed varieties, Sabour Moti is a short duration variety with yield of 52-55 quintals per hectare. The cultivation of variety would particularly prove beneficial for farmers in rain deficient areas of state. Sabour Sona the other new variety is medium duration dwarf variety having yield of 52-58 quintals per hectare.

A scented variety, Sabour Sona it is felt would prove useful in augmenting income of paddy growers. Dr Prakash Singh, assistant professor in Veer Kunwar Singh College of Agriculture, Dumraon, breeder of the new varieties said the State Variety Release Committee (SVRC) would be approached soon for release of the varieties.

Subsequently subject to recommendation of SVRC for release of the varieties, the Central Sub Committee on Crop Identification and Notification would be approached for notifying the varieties, he informed. Dr Singh said SVRC recommendation for release of the varieties would pave way for introducing cultivation of the variety in Bihar.


Efforts would be also made in future for seeking approval for release of the varieties in other states he further said adding it is expected procedural requirements for release of the new varieties in state would be completed before next sowing season of paddy commences.

In course of meeting the council recommended developing three new technologies following consideration of proposals for the same tabled in the meeting. Large scale production of disease free Synogonium and Ficus Lyrata, both decorative plants through tissue culture method were among the new technologies that were recommended by research council.


The proposal for production of aforesaid disease free decorative plants through tissue culture method put forward by Dr Hidyatullah Mir, assistant professor was recommended by council taking into consideration commercial viability of large scale production of decorative plants at low cost through tissue culture method.


Another new technology proposal that was recommended by research council is related to round the year production of green fodder. The proposal was put forward by Dr S K Gupta, assistant professor. During two-day meeting of research council, the research initiatives of university was discussed at length.


The meeting was chaired by Dr D R Singh, Vice Chancellor. In his presidential address on the occasion the VC underlined importance of research council and also laid stress on maximum participation of farmers in council meeting in order to ensure research plans could be chalked out taking into consideration needs of farmers.

He emphasized upon need of preparing scientific database required for undertaking natural farming scientifically. The participants in the research council meeting included scientists and experts beside deans and directors of university.

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Writer Avijit Biswas, former principal correspondent of Hindustan Times Bhagalpur bureau, can be contacted at

Contact number (mobile): +919431095516










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