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  • Jamshedpur to host First Over 60’s Master Cricket Tournament from November 2

Jamshedpur to host First Over 60’s Master Cricket Tournament from November 2

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Jamshedpur: First Over 60’s Master Cricket Tournament for Pankaj Memorial Cup will be held at Jamshedpur from November 2 November 4 2023. Pankaj Kumar is the late father of Bihar cricketer Avinash Kumar. This is a Veteran India Cricket Foundation (VCI) registered tournament. The tournament has the support of Tata Steel, Tata Motors, RSB Group Co., JAMIPOL and cricket lovers. This is the New initiative VCI in India for retired cricketers of Over 60’s
VCI is affiliated to the International Masters Cricket based in Australia. IMC used to conduct the World Cup Cricket in different age categories after every two years. List of WC is as below;
The IMC Cricket Calendar of World Cup is below;
IMC Over 40’s 1st WC From 18 Feb to 1st March 2024 in Cape Town
IMC 3rd Over 50’s WC in Sri Lanka in November 2024
IMC Over 60’s WC from 18th Feb to 4th March 2024 in Chennai
IMC Over 70’s 1st WC in June/July 2024 in England

VCI has been allotted by IMC to host the 2nd Over 60’s World CUP in India in 2024. VCI has decided to conduct in Chennai from 18th Feb to 4th March 2024. 14 countries are participating in it. 45 overs each side in World Cup Cricket.

New Zealand, England, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Wales, Canada, USA, West Indies, Sri Lanka have already announced their final teams.
Prior to the above WC, the First Over 60’s Master Cricket Tournament is going to be held in Jamshedpur from 2nd to 4th November 2023 to select the best possible team of VCI to represent in the upcoming World Cup.
According to Avinash Kumar, the matches will be of 40 overs each side and it will be played with Pink Cricket Ball in Keenan Stadium and Tata Motors Cricket Ground as per league basis. The winner of the tournament will be decided as per Net Run rate. No final match will be played.
Match timing is from 9.30 am to 4.00 PM.
Over 60’s players from all over India and few Overseas players from Australia and England who were born in India are also coming to participate in it as per WC rule.
Four teams have been formed as per registration and players and are ready to enjoy the game and to perform once again in the field of Cricket.
Four Captain and its deputy has been announced as;
1. Sixties GIANTS – 
Captain Naresh Shenoy (Mumbai) & Dr. Aadil Chagla as Vice captain (Mumbai)
2. Sixties STRANGERS –
Captain Ramaseshan Neelakantan (Chennai) & Padmanabhan S as Vice captain (Mumbai)
3. Sixties ROYALS –
Captain Rajsekhar Raman (Chennai) & Rajgoapla Naidu as Vice captain (Bangalore)
4. Sixties HEROES –
Captain Avinash Kumar (Jharkhand) & Pradeep Godbole as Vice captain (Mumbai)
Qualified umpires of JSCA have been deputed to officiate the matches.
International Cricketer Mr. Rajesh Chauhan (reaching on 2 Nov evening), Mr. Arun Lal (reaching on 3rd Nov Morning) and Mr. Surinder Khanna (Reaching on 2nd Nov in afternoon) has been invited as an Observer during the tournament.
Mr. Virendra Bhoombla, Founder & Chairman VCI and Chairman of IMC, Over 60’s Age group along with Mr. Ravi Raman, Coordinator of VCI for 60’s World Cup in India, Dr. Krishnan Subhamaniam, Overseas Representative VCI, Mr. Sanjay Ranjan Sinha, Director Administration VCI and Sanjiv Seth, representative North Zone, VCI will be present during the tournament.

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