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  • Delhi clinch both men and women titles of 45th Senior National Throwball Championship

Delhi clinch both men and women titles of 45th Senior National Throwball Championship

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New Delhi: Delhi clinched both men and women titles of the 45th Senior National Throwball Championship on Sunday. In the final of the women’s category, Delhi defeated Tamil Nadu 15-11, 16-15. In the final of men’s category, Delhi defeated Madhya Pradesh 15-9, 15-6.

Delhi defeated Kerala 15-4, 15-6, Tamil Nadu defeated Odisha 15-9, 15-11 in the semi-finals of the women’s category of this championship, which was held on Sunday, hosted by Throwball Association of Delhi under the banner of Throwball Federation of India. In the first quarterfinal, Delhi defeated Karnataka 15-10, 15-6, Tamil Nadu defeated Madhya Pradesh 15-5, 15-0, Odisha defeated Puducherry 15-2, 15-6, Kerala defeated Haryana 15-3, 15-0. To enter the semi-finals.

Before this, in the semi-finals of men’s category, Delhi defeated Haryana 15-9, 15-4, Madhya Pradesh defeated Odisha 15-9, 15-10.


In the quarterfinals of the men’s category, Delhi defeated Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh defeated Karnataka, Odisha defeated Central India and Kerala defeated Haryana to enter the semi-finals.

On the occasion of the final match and prize distribution ceremony, dignitaries including BJP MLA Vijendra Gupta, Aam Aadmi Party MLA Jai Bhagwan Upkar, Corporation Councillor Smita Kaushik, Dharmendra Kaushik, Sanjay Ambasht were present.

Everyone was welcomed by Naresh Mann, General Secretary of Throwball Federation of India and Karm Singh Karma, Secretary of Throwball Association of Delhi, by presenting memento and shawl.

On this occasion, many dignitaries including Throwball Federation of India Joint Secretary Neeraj Kumar Pappu, school principal Kavita Hoodja, Pawan Rana, T Bala Vinayak, Prem Rana, Ramesh Mann, Kushal Prajapati were present.

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