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Republic Day Celebrations In Khuda Bakhsh Library Begins

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Patna: Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, Patna started celebrations of Republic Day 2024 by organizing a Three Day Exhibition of Books on Indian Constitution & Freedom Movement, with rare printed books being displayed in this exhibition.

The Director, Khuda Bakhsh Library inaugurated the Exhibition by reading out the Preamble of the Constitution of India. She emphasized that we Indians should develop the habit of reading, to know the sacrifices of our freedom fighters.  Students were invited to express their views on the importance of Republic Day. Attending visitors showed deep interest in the books exhibited. More than thirty students and scholars spoke on the subject.

The message, which emerged from the discussion & talk by scholars and the students was to create awareness about the basic features of the Constitution. Principles of Justice, Liberty, Equality & Fraternity when followed in life & career, will bring vast improvement in the socio-economic & cultural environs of our Nation.

To bring further progress in the nation, emphasis was laid upon the need of improvement in the sectors of health and education. Besides publishing more than 30 books on Freedom Movement, Freedom Fighters and their contribution, the library has organized numerous programs on India’s struggle for Independence to ignite passion & create awareness among students.


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