Saturday, February 15, 2025
Home News Bihar Governor Favours Decentralization of Appointment Process of University and College Teachers

Bihar Governor Favours Decentralization of Appointment Process of University and College Teachers

By Avijit Biswas

Bhagalpur: The Bihar governor cum chancellor of universities Rajendra Viswanath Arlekar has favoured decentralizing appointment process for early solution of problems concerning shortage of college and university teachers in state.

The chancellor who presided first academic senate meeting of T M Bhagalpur University (TMBU) held today at local S M College, in his address on the occasion said alike some other states where universities and colleges have power of appointing teachers as well as non-teaching employees as per their requirement, in Bihar also there should be consideration on delegating power of appointment to universities and colleges.

However, the power of considering proposals of post creation should remain with the government, Arlekar was of the opinion. He said he would prefer having talk on the issue with state government.

Regarding the posts of teachers in colleges and postgraduate departments that were surrendered following rationalization of posts in past, the governor said in this regard also he would prefer having talk with government for recreation of the surrendered posts wherever needed.

Bihar Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar
Bihar Governor Rajendra Viswanath Arlekar

Arlekar clearly told the university authorities that goal of academic diversification cannot be achieved by introducing new diploma and certificate courses only. He stressed the university should ensure introducing new degree level courses particularly on subjects like cyber law, defense strategy beside others.

Establishment of Entrepreneur Development Cell (EDC) in universities is essential for developing entrepreneurial acumen among students, chancellor said adding skill development would help generate employment opportunities for students.

He asked university authorities for identifying at least five backward villages of the district so that villages could be adopted by university for purpose of development.

The chancellor further asked the university authorities to ensure joined by teachers, a survey work is undertaken by students in Sultanganj, Sanhoula, Pirpainti, Sabour and Jagdishpur five relatively underdeveloped blocks of this district for identifying problems in achieving developmental goals.

Apart from attending only meetings the senators should also devote time for identifying and solution of university problems, chancellor felt.  He laid stress on establishment of sports directorate in university in course of his speech.

The academic senate meeting held for the first time in TMBU took up discussion on various issues. Allegations and counter allegations on certain issues marked deliberations of the meeting. Dealy in promotion of teachers was one such issue.

The teacher senators sore over delay raised issue of promotion in the meeting. Citing promotional cases of teachers have been settled by some other universities, the matter was brought to notice of chancellor.

As per information TMBU VC Prof Jawahar Lal speaking on the issue assured to do needful for disposing promotional cases within next two months. Earlier in his welcome address he underlined achievements of university and measures being taken for all round development of university. The proceedings of the meeting were conducted by Dr Ramashish Purve, registrar.

  • Writer Avijit Biswas, former principal correspondent of Hindustan Times Bhagalpur bureau, can be contacted at biswasavijit@yahoo.comContact number (mobile): +919431095516


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