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Homeopathy Practitioners Remember Dr Hahnemann on His Birth Anniversary

Dr Hahnemann's birth anniversary was celebrated in Bhagalpur
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By Avijit Biswas

Bhagalpur: The 269th birth anniversary of Dr Hahnemann was observed here today by local unit of Homeopathy Doctors Association (HAD). Dr Hahnemann founder of system of therapeutics known as homeopathy was fondly remembered on the occasion by members of the association. They also paid floral tribute to him on the occasion.

Dr Binay Kumar Gupta, president of HAD in his address spoke about effectivity of homeopathy in dealing with physical ailments. Homeopathy as therapeutics has high significance considering its capability of curing ailments easily president of the association said adding it is a therapeutic system wherein medicines are prescribed to people taking note of common signs including feelings, nature, desire and behavioral patterns.

 Dr S K Panjikar, a senior homeopathy practitioner, in his address on the occasion underlined importance of happiness and satisfaction for remaining healthy. Talking about importance of state of mind in homeopathy for curing ailments Dr Tushar Kumar referred to case studies in which patients were successfully treated taking note of their state of mind.

 The speakers on the occasion included Dr Alka Singh, Dr Sajita John, Dr Maqsood Mannan, Dr Rehan, Dr Mahesh Prasad Gupta, Dr Vivekanand Gupta, Dr Ravindra Yadav and Dr Aishwarya beside others.    

  • Writer Avijit Biswas, former principal correspondent of Hindustan Times Bhagalpur bureau, can be contacted at biswasavijit@yahoo.comContact number (mobile): +919431095516



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