By Avijit Biswas
Bhagalpur: Two latest additions in list of vegetable varieties developed by Bihar Agricultural University (BAU), Sabour could particularly delight brinjal lovers. “Sabour Sadabahar” and “Sabour Krishnakali” the latest additions are both brinjal varieties having ingredients of satiating taste buds of brinjal lovers.
Sabour Sadabahar is likely to increase round the year brinjal availability. The Central Variety Release Committee, New Delhi last week released both brinjal varieties beside a new garlic variety named Sabour Garlic -1, all developed by Developed by Department of Horticulture (Vegetable & Floriculture) of BAU.
Release of new varieties by CVRC has paved way for their countrywide production. Of the two new brinjal varieties developed by BAU, the Sabour Sadabahar is a high yielding variety that can be cultivated round the year. The oblong green fruits of the variety have distinct stripes at apex. With heavy fruit bearing capacity, on an average fruit yield of the variety is 23 to 26 fruits per plant.

The average yield of the variety is between 440 to 480 quintals per hectare during Kharif season while it is 270 quintal per hectare during summer. Apart from being tolerant to fruit and shoot borer, Sabour Sadabahar is moderately resistant to Phomopsis Blight.
With excellent cooking quality the variety is rich in antioxidants, phenolics and ascorbic acid. Minimal seed content and comparatively superior taste are major attractions of the variety.
Developed for main growing season the fruits of Sabour Krishnakali bearing attractive blackish purple colour are oblong in shape. A less seeded variety with only 60-70 seeds per fruit, Sabour Krishnakali is particularly suitable for mashed brinjal (bharta) preparations besides general cooking purposes.
With fruit size between 175g to 180g, the on an average yield of high yielding variety is 430 quintal per hectare. Sabour Krishnakali is moderately resistant to fruit and shoot borer besides Phomopsis Blight. Reduced browning and discoloration after cutting is an added advantage that enhances market appeal of the variety.
The Sabour Garlic-1 with light pink-coloured cloves has long shelve life of eight to ten months. The variety is resistant to Stemphylium Blight a major regional disease. Average yield potential of Sabour Garlic-1 is 15 to 16 tone per hectare. High presence of bioactive component makes the variety useful for both culinary and medicinal purposes. Apart form excellent storage qualities, key features of Sabour Garlic -1 include minimal post-harvest loss besides there is no germination during storage.
Dr D R Singh, VC, BAU said release of three new vegetable varieties is a step forward towards fulfillment of university commitment concerning sustainable agricultural innovations. The newly released varieties are tailormade to meet requirements of farmers and consumers due to their high productivity besides capability of addressing climatic challenges and diseases, he added. VC said empowering farmers for meeting livelihood challenges is major commitment of BAU.
Dr A K Singh, director (research), BAU said development of three new vegetable varieties is testimony of university capability of deriving solutions of farmer centric problems through cutting edge research works. High yielding Sabour Sadabahar and Sabour Krishnakali with their consumer preferred traits and Sabour Garlic-1 with high storage and medicinal value are major research innovations in field of horticulture, he added.
- Writer Avijit Biswas, former principal correspondent of Hindustan Times Bhagalpur bureau, can be contacted at biswasavijit@yahoo.comContact number (mobile): +919431095516