Book ‘AN OUTLINE OF AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA’ provides valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities in India’s agricultural sector


Kolkata, West Bengal, India

AN OUTLINE OF AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA is written by Dr. Debesh Bhowmik and Dr. Aruni Kumar. Published by Kunal Books,New Delhi,2023,pp iv+225,price-1095/-

The book covers 11 chapters in which Dr Aruni Kumar has written chapter 1 to 6 and Dr.Debesh Bhowmik has written chapter 7 to 11.The chapters are as follows.

[1] Education and Agricultural Development in India,[2]Agricultural Mechanisation in India: Key Inputs,[3]Adoption Of Modern Technology and Future of Indian Agriculture,[4] Achieving Atmanirbhar Bharata in Agriculture in India[5]Future pattern of agricultural research in India and food security,[6]Digital farming in India: Role of big data,[7]The relation between agricultural share in GDP and per capita GDP in India during 1960-2021,[8]Agriculture,Poverty and Hunger,[9]Agriculture: Nexus between Employment and Net Value Added,[10]Foodgrain production, cultivated area of foodgrain production and CO2 emission in India during 1960-2021,[11]Role of foreign direct investment in Indian Agriculture.

Prof. Subhajit Pahari of Symbiosis University and Prof. C. B. Singh of Bundelkhand University have written excellent forewords for the book.

Dr. Aruni Kumar tried to analyse on education and skill development in agriculture, mechanisation in agriculture, future of utilisation of modern technology, avenues on self-reliance in agriculture, food security and future research, role of big data in agriculture and so on. Dr. Debesh Bhowmik examined empirically on the relation between agricultural share in GDP and per capita GDP, poverty and hunger, nexus between Employment and Net Value Added, foodgrain production, cultivated area of foodgrain production and CO2 emission and the role of FDI in agriculture respectively.

Together, these articles provide valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities in India’s agricultural sector and highlight the need for education, mechanisation, digital technology, and self-reliance to promote sustainable growth in the sector. Dr. Debesh Bhowmik’s and Dr. Aruni Kumar’s work contributes significantly to the ongoing discussion and debate on the future of Indian agriculture and its role in the broader economy.Over all, this book will be helpful to the students who are interested in Indian agriculture.The book contains 39 tables for agricultural data and a good bibliography which will be helpful to all.



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