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Bird Watcher Arvind Mishra Nominated Member of BNHS Governing Council

Bird watcher and conservationist Arvind Mishra
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By Avijit Biswas

Bhagalpur, May 14: A well-known bird watcher and conservationist Arvind Mishra has been recently nominated in governing council of Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS). Mishra, a local resident, is first from the state to be nominated member of BNHS governing council.

BNHS is 140 years old nongovernmental organization of country involved in biodiversity research and conservation work. Bridging the gap between science and society for promotion of conservation is one of the major works being undertaken by the organization established in 1883.

Many noted naturalists including ornithologists Dr Salim Ali and S. Dillon Ripley had been associated with BNHS. Mishra popularly referred as bird man of Bihar is presently state coordinator of Indian Bird Conservation Network (IBCN).

Bird watcher and conservationist Arvind Mishra
Bird watcher and conservationist Arvind Mishra

A member of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Species Survival Commission, Mishra has been member in Bihar government Board of Wildlife for fifteen years. At present he is engaged in Asian Waterbird Census (AWC) programme of Wetlands International as state coordinator.

The community-based work undertaken by Mishra for conservation of greater adjutants, a highly threatened species, commonly referred as “Garud” have received wide acknowledgment.

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  • Writer Avijit Biswas, former principal correspondent of Hindustan Times Bhagalpur bureau, can be contacted at biswasavijit@yahoo.comContact number (mobile): +919431095516



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