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Yogi govt initiates extensive campaign to engage opinion makers in Lok Sabha elections

Yogi Adityanath
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Yogi govt initiates extensive campaign to engage opinion makers in Lok Sabha elections

UP’s opinion makers will help in achieving Yogi’s Mission 80 in Lok Sabha elections

CM Yogi’s emphasis on increasing voting percentage by involving intellectuals

CM Yogi interacts with opinion makers in 15 districts of western UP since March 27

By Our Correspondent

Lucknow: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has embarked on a concerted effort to engage opinion makers to seek votes in favour of the NDA in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. Recognizing their pivotal role in securing victory, the CM seeks to leverage their influence in order to mobilize voters to cast their votes and register resounding victory on all the 80 seats of Uttar Pradesh.

Usually, during elections, political parties organize large-scale rallies, road shows, rath yatras, padyatras, and street meetings to garner public support. In the age of social media, these efforts extend to online platforms as well, as parties seek to sway public opinion in their favor. However, amidst the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, Uttar Pradesh is witnessing a unique experiment in campaigning.

This initiative aims to awaken the enlightened individuals, often referred to as ‘opinion makers’. These individuals, comprising doctors, engineers, advocates, writers, teachers, professors, chartered accountants, prominent entrepreneurs, businessmen, and other professionals, are regarded as the educated and influential individuals of society.

However, despite their influence, statistics reveal that this segment remains largely inactive during elections, particularly on polling day.

Experiment resulted in victory of 2023 as well

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has been focusing on increasing the voting percentage by engaging with opinion makers in the Lok Sabha constituencies of the state. However, this unique experiment of interaction with opinion makers was also seen during the urban body elections in UP last year, which greatly benefited the BJP. The party secured the chair of the mayor in all 17 municipal corporations, as well as the positions of chairperson in 89 municipalities and 191 Nagar Panchayats.

Once again, CM Yogi is fully committed to achieving the goal of ‘Mission 80’ through the state’s opinion makers. He has so far engaged directly with opinion makers in more than 25 Lok Sabha constituencies, introducing them to double-engine government’s accomplishments and strategy. The Chief Minister is now undertaking extensive tours to awaken the community which appears to be the most indifferent during elections.

CM Yogi explains the power of each vote

It is noteworthy that CM Yogi has engaged with large numbers of opinion leaders in 15 districts of Western Uttar Pradesh from March 27 to April 4. He has urged the group of opinion leaders to raise awareness among the public about their voting rights by going among them.

The Chief Minister’s focus is on making people understand the power of each of their votes and to encourage them to vote for the nation’s welfare by reaching polling booths. CM Yogi is presenting the situation of India before 2014 and Uttar Pradesh before 2017, along with current achievements, to the opinion makers.

Along with describing a long series of achievements in education, security, health, prosperity, and facilities, CM Yogi is also appealing to people to vote with awareness for the sake of the country, while rising above the considerations of religion, caste, and creed on the day of voting.


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