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  • Our Ram Lalla will no longer live in a tent, but in a divine temple: PM Modi

Our Ram Lalla will no longer live in a tent, but in a divine temple: PM Modi

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  • PM Modi gives an emotional speech after the consecration of Shri Ram Lalla in the temple
  • PM Modi says, after waiting for centuries, Lord Ram has finally arrived
  • We have got the heritage of centuries of patience, we have got the temple of Shri Ram: PM
  • Even after 1000 years, people will discuss today’s date and moment: Modi
  • It is all because of Lord Ram’s grace that we are all living this moment: Narendra Modi
  • This is also the lifeblood of unwavering faith in Indian culture as manifested in the form of Shri Ram: PM
  • All the countrymen should take oath to contribute towards building a capable, grand and divine India as the country stands at the threshold of ‘Ramrajya’: PM
  • Some people used to say that if Ram temple is built, society will burn, but Ram is not fire but energy: Modi

By Our Correspondent

Ayodhya: Ram Lalla will no longer live in a tent, henceforth, he will reside in his divine temple, said an emotional Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his address after the consecration ceremony at the new and grand Ram Temple in Ayodhya Dham. The PM added that with the arrival of Lord Ram in his temple, the country’s heritage of centuries of patience has been found today. “Today we have found the temple of Shri Ram. Even after 1000 years, people will discuss today’s date and moment. It is Ram’s grace that we all are living this moment, seeing it all happen firsthand”, he remarked.

● PM Modi said, “today our Ram has arrived after waiting for centuries. After centuries of unprecedented patience, countless sacrifices and penance, our Ram has arrived. Many congratulations to all the countrymen!”

● He added: “Right now I am in front of you after witnessing the divine consciousness in the sanctum sanctorum of the temple. There is a lot to say but the voice and body are still under that effect. The mind is still absorbed in that moment.”

● PM said that he has strong faith that whatever has happened is being felt by the devotees of Ram in every corner of the country and the world. This moment, environment, atmosphere, energy and time are supernatural. This is the blessing of God. The sun of 22 January 2024 has brought amazing aura. This is not a date written on the calendar, this is the origin of a new time cycle, he remarked.

● He said that as this day was coming closer, enthusiasm and excitement was increasing every day in the entire country. Seeing the construction work, new confidence was born among the countrymen.
● Today, divinity pervades the air in all directions. These are not normal times. These are indelible memory lines being inscribed on the cycle of time with everlasting ink.

● PM said that we all know that wherever Ram’s work is done, Pawan’s son Hanuman is definitely present, that is why I bow to Ram’s devotee Hanuman, Mata Janaki, Laxman, Bharat Shatrughan. I salute the holy city of Ayodhya.

● He said, with whose blessings this great work has been completed. Those divine beings are present around us. I bow to them with gratitude. I also apologise to Lord Shri Ram. There must be something lacking in our efforts and sacrifices that we could not do this work earlier. Today that deficiency has been filled. I believe that Lord Ram will definitely forgive us today.

● PM Modi said that on the arrival of Ram in Treta, revered Saint Tulsidas has written, ‘On seeing the arrival of the Lord, everyone was filled with joy and the complaint that had arisen due to long separation from him came to an end. But in that period, separation was only for 14 years, in this era the countrymen have endured it for hundreds of years. Many generations have suffered separation.

● He said that Lord Ram is present in the first copy of the Constitution of India. However, even after it came into existence, legal battles continued for decades. I would like to express my gratitude to the Indian judiciary which has preserved the dignity of justice. The temple of Lord Ram, synonymous with justice, was also built in a just manner.

● He said that today Kirtan and Sankirtan are taking place in every village. Festivals are taking place in temples. Cleanliness festivals are taking place. The whole country is celebrating Diwali today. There are preparations to celebrate Diwali in every house this evening. Preparations are on to light the Ramjyoti in every house.

● PM added further: “Yesterday with the blessings of the Lord, I was at the starting point of Ram Setu in Dhanushkodi. As I stood there, I tried to feel that emotion, that moment, praying and offering flowers. Just as the time cycle had changed at that time, similarly the time cycle will change again and will move in the auspicious direction.” He said that he visited all those places where Lord Ram put his feet during the last 11 days of his fast.
● He said that he got the opportunity to travel from Sagar (sea) to Sarayu during this period and found that Lord Ram is being celebrated everywhere.

● PM said, people have lived Ram in every era. Every era has expressed Ram in its own way, in its own words. Since ancient times, people have been worshiping Ramras in every corner of India. Ramayana is infinite. Ram’s ideals, values, concerns are the same everywhere.

● He said, today in this historical time, the country is remembering those personalities, because of whose sacrifices, we are seeing these days today. We are indebted to those countless great men.

● PM said: “This is a moment to realize the maturity of the Indian society. This is an opportunity not only for celebrating victory, but also for showing humility. History is witness to the fact that many nations get entangled in their history. But the seriousness and emotion with which our country has opened the knot of history shows that our future is going to be much more beautiful than our past.

● PM said, people used to say that if Ram temple is built then the society will burn. These people did not know the collectivity of India. We are seeing that the construction is not giving birth to anything, but energy. This temple inspires every section of the society to move towards a bright future. Ram is not fire, Ram is energy. He stands for solutions to everyone’s issues rather than being cause of a dispute not only at present but till eternity.

● He said that the whole world is connected with this event. Through this, the omnipresence of Ram is visible. There is a similar festival in many countries. The festival of Ayodhya is a celebration of the traditions of Ramayana. This is the festival of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. This is also the lifeblood of unwavering faith in Indian culture as manifested in the form of Shri Ram. This is the lifeblood of human values and supreme values.

● PM said that the resolution of ‘Survey Bhavantu Sukhinah’ has got concrete shape today. This temple is not just the abode of divinity. This is the temple of India’s vision, philosophy and direction. This is the temple of national consciousness. Ram is the faith and foundation of India. These are the thoughts and laws of India. Ram is India’s consciousness, thinking, prestige, influence, policy and continuity. Ram is the comprehensive soul of the universe. Therefore, if Ram is revered, its impact is felt not for years or centuries but for thousands of years. Rama ruled the kingdom for 10 thousand years. Ram Rajya was established for thousands of years. Ram continued to guide the world for thousands of years.

● He remarked: “The grand temple of Shri Ram has been built. The long wait for centuries is over. Now what next? Will we send off the divine spirits who have come to bless us like this? No..; Today I feel with a pure heart that the cycle of time is changing. It is a happy coincidence that our generation has been chosen. Generations after thousands of years will remember our actions. We have to lay the foundation for the next one thousand years from this sacred time today. From this very moment, all the countrymen should take the oath to contribute towards building a capable, grand and divine India everywhere as the country stands at the threshold of ‘Ramrajya’ .

● He added further: “Faith awakens as soon as my tribal mother Shabari comes to my mind. Mother Shabari had been saying for a long time that Ram would come. This faith born in every Indian will become the basis of a grand India. This is the expansion of the consciousness of the nation from God to the country and from Ram to the nation. How fundamental is Nishadraj’s fascination for Ram and Ram’s fascination for Nishadraj. There is not even an iota of room for despair in the country today. If anyone thinks I am very ordinary and small then he should remember the contribution of the squirrel. It teaches us that small and big efforts have their own strength and potential.”

● PM said, Lankadhipati Ravana was extremely knowledgeable and had immense power. Yet, Jatayu fought with Mahabali. He knew that he could not defeat Ravana. This dedication to duty creates a sense of country from God and nation from Ram. We will connect ourselves with the cause of Ram through the cause of the nation.


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