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Bondhu Mahal sponsors education of poor students and felicitated teachers

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Lucknow: In a heartwarming display of community spirit and commitment to education, Bondhu Mahal, a prominent social organization, celebrated its Bijoya Sammilani event. The organization left a lasting impact by utilizing the funds saved from Durga Puja to sponsor the education of 25 underprivileged children at Boy’s Anglo Bengali Inter College.

Sudhir Sehgal, the convener of Bondhu Mahal, spearheaded this noble initiative to provide educational opportunities to deserving children who might not have had access otherwise. The organization’s dedication to fostering knowledge and learning is evident in their continued efforts to empower the younger generation.

During the event, Bondhu Mahal also took the opportunity to honor 11 teachers who have been instrumental in kindling the light of knowledge among students in rural areas. These educators have dedicated their lives to making a difference in the lives of young learners, and their efforts were duly acknowledged and celebrated.

Teachers from the state run school being felicitated on the function

Vijay Bahadur Pathak, a Member of the Legislative Council (MLC), spoke glowingly about Bondhu Mahal’s contributions to education. “This is unprecedented; the way Bondhu Mahal Samiti uses the money saved from Puja for the education of children is truly remarkable,” he exclaimed, applauding the organization for its commitment to uplifting the community.

Pradeep Agarwal, the Finance Advisor from the Department of Cooperative, also expressed his admiration for the Samiti members’ efforts, highlighting the importance of investing in education for the betterment of society.

The Bondhu Mahal Bijoya Sammilani event not only marks the conclusion of the festive season but also serves as a reminder of the power of community-driven initiatives that prioritize education and acknowledge the invaluable contributions of teachers. The organization’s dedication to uplifting the lives of children through education is an inspiring example of how festivals and celebrations can be used for a greater good.


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