Patna. July 4, 2022: In continuation to his Janata Darbar, Bihar chief minister listened to the complaints of people related to different government departments on Monday. In this sequence, on hearing the complaint of a woman belongs to Motihari district, chief minister was shocked and called the director general of police and asked him to take strict action.
This elderly woman, who reached the Janata Darbar from Motihari, told the chief minister that her son was brutally murdered during Bakrid in 2021. After this criminals are again threatening the family. In the Janata Darbar, complainants from every region of Bihar reached with their grievances. The complaints related to home department, general administration, monitoring department, mines and geology department and many other departments were heard. A complainant, who came from Purnia said that the goons have grabbed his land. The chief minister called the principal secretary of revenue and land reforms department and directed to take action.